Opinion Price's Global Privacy Policy

Last updated: July 14, 2022

Opinion Price, Inc. (DBA “OpinionPrice,” “we,” “our,”) provides data licensing and marketing services (the “Services”) designed to assist our business clients, who are generally advertisers and marketers and the providers that assist them (“Clients”) to better market to consumers. Our solutions, which are more fully described on this website ( “Website” or “Websites”), are used for online and offline marketing purposes. When we say “you” we are referring to consumers, including the person reading this Privacy Policy.

We take consumer privacy seriously. This Privacy Policy (“ Privacy Policy”) describes how we use and manage information used in and licensed through Services, and how consumers can control how information about them is used and shared.

We also describe in Section 6 the information we collect through our corporate website (the website this Privacy Policy is on), which is directed to Clients, prospective Clients and others

When we handle information on behalf of Clients related to their own actual or prospective customers (such as to provide analysis of this information to customers), we act only as a service provider. We address these practices separately in Section 7 of this Privacy Policy.

1. Information That We Collect and the Ways We Use It
In order to provide our Services, we obtain information about you through a variety of means and sources. We may combine any of the information that we collect, in order to perform our Services. We describe below the categories of information that we collect in terms required under the California Consumer Privacy Act, followed by the GDPR requirements.

Categories of Information we collect (and/or receive):

a. Personal and online identifiers. E.g., Email addresses (generally in “hashed” or obfuscated form), telephone numbers, name, postal address, social media identifiers or handles.

b. Characteristics of protected classifications under California or federal law. E .g., sex/gender, race, ethnicity, age or religion (which may be inferred).

c. Internet Usage Data. E.g., browsing history, and information regarding a consumer’s interaction with our own website.

d. Professional, alumni or employment-related information. E.g., job title, employer information, schools graduated from.

e, Inferenced Data. E.g. Inferences about a consumer’s lifestyle, demographic or other “Interest”-based traits, that we license from other data compilers (in addition to inferences we create and/or describe above).

The categories of our sources in collecting or obtaining this information are data compilers and resellers, publicly sourced as well as publicly available information (such as the US Census Bureau and US Postal Service), website and mobile application operators.


2. Our Business Purposes for Collecting and Using Personal Information
The following chart provides additional information about our purposes for collecting and using your information – in effect, key aspects of our Services:

Purposes of Use
Data marketing services, for example:

● Providing marketing information to our Clients (which include companies, non-profit and other organizations), generally regarding their marketing, fundraising, customer service and engagement, and outreach activities.

● Helping our Clients identify and understand their customers better, by providing insights about them and managing loyalty programs.

● Assisting our Clients with using our Services to provide their customers and prospective customers with better service, improved offerings, and special promotions, for instance, advising on which consumers are most likely to be interested (or disinterested) in certain offers.

Online targeting, for example:

● Creating defined audience segments based on common demographics and/or shared (actual or inferred) interests or preferences (e.g., households with prospective students). When we do this, we may work with a data partner that “matches” our Information through de-identification techniques (such as through coded data “hashing”) with online cookies and other identifiers, in order to target and measure ad campaigns online across various display, mobile and other media channels. You may learn more about how to opt out of this and other online ad targeting in Section 5.

Additional marketing and database services, for example:

● Conducting market research studies, including hosting surveys and recruiting participants to client projects.

● Assisting in targeting and optimization of direct mail and email campaigns, display, mobile and social media marketing.

● Measuring the effectiveness of online or offline ad campaigns by determining which messages are most likely to be seen or opened by which types of consumers, or which types of ads are most likely to lead to purchases.

● Analyzing and optimizing our Clients’ (or their service providers’) proprietary databases, or helping Clients to identify and mitigate potential fraud.

● Providing “verification” or data “hygiene” services, which is how companies update and/or “clean” their databases by either verifying or removing or correcting old, incorrect or outdated information.

● Associating or “graphing” the consumers (and prospective consumers) of our Clients across various websites or platforms, including based on their social media identifiers, e.g., to help Clients analyze or advertise to their Clients based on and across their social media presence.

Operate our Services, for example:

● Improving, testing, updating and verifying our own database.

● Developing new products, operating, analyzing, improving, and securing our Services.

Other internal purposes, for example:

For internal research, internal operations, auditing, detecting security incidents, debugging, short-term and transient use, quality control, and legal compliance. We use the information collected from our own website, from social networks, from other “business to business” interaction (such as at trade shows) or from data compilers for the above, as well as for our own marketing and other internal business purposes.

3. How We Share Information with Third Parties and How to “Opt Out” of our Marketing Databases

We typically share personal information with third parties, including our Clients and their own service providers, in the course of providing our services as described in Section 2.

We also may share any of the personal information we collect as follows:

Sharing for Legal Purposes: We also may share personal information with third parties in order to: (a) comply with legal process (civil or criminal) or a government investigation (e.g. a subpoena or court order); (b) enforce our Terms of Service, this Privacy Policy, or our contracts (or our rights under the law); (c) and/or to protect the rights, property or personal safety of us, our platform, our clients, or any other person. We likewise may provide information to other companies and service providers for fraud protection, security and similar purposes.

Sharing In Event of a Corporate Transaction : We may also share personal information in the event of a major corporate transaction, including for example a merger, investment, acquisition, reorganization, consolidation, bankruptcy, liquidation, or sale of some or all of our assets, or for purposes of due diligence connected with any such transaction.

Sharing With Service Providers: We share any personal information we collect with our service providers, which may include (for instance) providers involved in tech or customer support, operations, web or data hosting, billing, accounting, security, marketing, data management, validation, enhancement or hygiene, or otherwise assisting us to provide, develop, maintain and improve our services.

Aggregate and Deidentified Information. We may aggregate and/or de-identify any information collected so that such information can no longer be linked to you or your device. We may use Aggregate/De-Identified Information for any purpose, including without limitation for research and marketing purposes, and may also share such data with any third parties, including advertisers, promotional partners, and sponsors, in our discretion.

4. Cookies and Similar Technologies

a. Cookies and How We Use Them

OpinionPrice and its business partners use certain industry-standard technologies, including cookies and similarly functional technologies, which we describe below. (We use these technologies on our Website, for instance, and our partners may use these technologies in their own marketing services.)

We may work with third parties to provide or enhance our Services (e.g. for purposes of tailoring ads, or placing browser cookies), or to offer marketers ways to access or use our Information, often in de-identified form. These partners may set and access their own cookies, pixel tags and similar technologies on your device, which may have cookies with varying expiration periods. Those partners may, likewise, collect various types of information about your browser, device, or browsing activities through use of these cookies.

Cookies, in turn, are small data files that contain a string of characters, such as a unique browser identifier. Cookies are stored on your computer or other device and act as tags that identify your device. Our (or other companies’) servers send your device a cookie when you visit a website. A pixel tag (also commonly known as a web beacon or clear GIF) is an invisible 1 x 1 pixel that is placed on certain web pages. When you access web pages (such as the website of a marketer), pixel tags may permit our partners (or sometimes, us) to read the cookies that a respective company or server has deployed. Pixel tags are used in combination with cookies to track the activity on a site by a particular device.

We or our service providers, and other online marketing platforms that we or they work with, may use cookies to, among other things, “remember” you, determine visitor patterns and trends, collect information about your activities on our clients’ sites, or interact with the advertising you see. Cookies are used in this way to provide relevant content to you and replace non-relevant communications with ads that better match your interests.

b. Disabling Cookies
Most web browsers are set up to accept cookies. You may be able to set your browser to warn you before accepting certain cookies or to refuse certain cookies. However, if you disable the use of cookies in your web browser, some features of our Website and other services may be difficult to use or become inoperable.

5. Your Marketing and “Opt Out” Choices
There are several ways that you may exercise choices about how information about you is used to market to you.

a. Opting Out of our marketing databases. To “opt out” of our marketing databases, please go to our “Do Not Sell” page here. If you “opt out” in this way, we will maintain certain of your information in our internal “suppression” files. (If you are a California resident, please see Section 11 for additional disclosures regarding your consumer rights.)

b. Opting Out of personalized advertising. . In addition, any consumers who wish to “opt out” of personalized (sometimes called “interest-based”) online marketing may go to the industry opt-out and educational pages operated by the NAI and DAA, two industry self-regulatory groups, here and here.

c. Direct Mail Opt Outs. If you would like to opt-out of direct mail advertising in general, we recommend that you visit the DMA Choice website, at dmachoice.thedma.org. The DMAChoice service is run by the Direct Marketing Association (part of the Association of National Advertisers) and allows you to follow a few easy steps to ensure that your marketing preferences are honored.

d. Unsubscribing from our corporate email. In addition, we will generally provide an “unsubscribe” link in any marketing emails we send. You may opt out of receiving those “b2b” marketing emails by clicking on that link.


6. Data Collected Through Our Website
We will sometimes give you the opportunity to provide information directly to us through our corporate Website – such as if you are a business interested in a relationship with us or an individual completing one of our surveys. Additionally, as you interact with our Website, we may use (or engage with business partners and vendors that use) automatic data collection technologies such as cookies (described above) to collect certain information about your equipment, browsing actions, and patterns. Our data collection practices concerning our Website are included in the following chart:

Categories of information collected 

Purposes of collection and use

Sources of Personal Information

Business contact information, e.g., email address, name/address, job title


● Operate our Websites and Services

● Send you marketing communications

● Building and managing business-to-business relationships

● Consumers

● Trade associations

● Conferences

● Business data resellers


Device information and identifiers , e.g., online cookies identifiers, IP addresses, email address, name/address, job title:

● Operate our Websites and Services

● Personalize your experience

● Secure our Services

● Fraud prevention and legal purposes

● Consumers

● Analytics providers

● Cookies and tracking technologies

● Data resellers

Internet or other electronic network activity information

E.g. , browsing history; search history; and information on a consumer’s interaction with a website or advertisement (generally our own).

● Operate our Websites and Services

● Personalize your experience

● Secure our Services

● Fraud prevention and legal purposes

● Consumers

● Analytics providers

● Cookies and tracking technologies

Other information consumers choose to directly to provide to us, including for billing purposes 
● Operate the Websites and Services

● Send marketing communications

● Building and managing business-to-business relationships

● Billing and accounting purposes

● Communicate with you

● Secure our Services

● Fraud prevention and legal purposes

● Consumers

● Website visitors

As with the information we use within our products and services, we also may share any of the personal information we collect on or through our Website(s) as follows:

Sharing for Legal Purposes: In addition, we may share personal information with third parties in order to: (a) comply with legal process or a regulatory investigation (e.g. a subpoena or court order); (b) enforce our Terms of Service, this Privacy Policy, or other contracts with you, including investigation of potential violations thereof; (c) respond to claims that any content violates the rights of third parties; and/or (d) protect the rights, property or personal safety of us, our platform, our clients, our agents and affiliates, its users and/or the public. We likewise may provide information to other companies and organizations (including law enforcement) for fraud protection, and spam/malware prevention, and similar purposes.

Sharing In Event of a Corporate Transaction : We may also share personal information in the event of a major corporate transaction, including for example a merger, investment, acquisition, reorganization, consolidation, bankruptcy, liquidation, or sale of some or all of our assets, or for purposes of due diligence connected with any such transaction.

Sharing With Service Providers: We share any personal information we collect with our service providers, which may include (for instance) providers involved in tech or customer support, operations, web or data hosting, billing, accounting, security, marketing, data management, validation, enhancement or hygiene, or otherwise assisting us to provide, develop, maintain and improve our services.

Aggregate and Deidentified Information. We may aggregate and/or de-identify any information collected so that such information can no longer be linked to you or your device We may use Aggregate/De-Identified Information for any purpose, including without limitation for research and marketing purposes, and may also share such data with any third parties, including advertisers, promotional partners, and sponsors, in our discretion.

7. Information We Receive From Clients as a Service Provider to Them
OpinionPrice, as a service provider, provides its Clients with services, such as customer insights and analytics (generally, providing our customers information about their own consumers or prospective consumers). When our Clients provide us with information relating to their own customers or prospective customers, we function as a service provider to those Clients.

Our Clients determine how to engage with their customers and thus act as the business that determines the purposes and means of handling their own customer and transactional information. Under these circumstances, consumers are ultimately subject to the privacy policies of the Clients controlling their data. We are not responsible for the privacy practices of our Clients.

8. Links
This website may provide links to other websites that OpinionPrice thinks users will find interesting or useful. OpinionPrice is not responsible for the privacy practices of these other sites or companies.

9. Security and Data Integrity
OpinionPrice takes steps to help ensure that the data we possess is housed and transmitted securely. This may include physical and electronic security precautions, firewall protections, encryption, hashing or truncation of data, and access controls to personal information. Although neither we nor any platform can guarantee 100 percent safety from hacks or illegal intrusion, we employ efforts that are designed to keep this from occurring.

10. Response to “Do Not Track” Signals.

Some Internet browsers include the ability to transmit “Do Not Track” signals.  Since uniform standards for “Do Not Track” signals have not yet been adopted, OpinionPrice does not process or respond to “Do Not Track” signals.”

This section is required for compliance with the California Online Privacy Protection Act.

11. Children's Privacy Protection

Under Age 18.  OpinionPrice understands the importance of protecting children's privacy in the interactive online world. The Website is not designed for, or intentionally targeted at, children under 18 years of age. It is not our policy to intentionally collect or maintain information about anyone under the age of 18.  No one under the age of 18 should submit any personal information to OpinionPrice or the Website.

This section is intended to address compliance with the federal Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act and California’s Privacy Rights for California Minors in the Digital World law (Cal. Business & Professions Code Section 22580).


12. Changes to this Privacy Policy
From time to time, we may update this Privacy Policy. Any changes to it will become effective when it is posted to our website (or at a later date we designate). Please continue to check back to learn of any changes to this Privacy Policy


13. Your Rights and Marketing Choices (and Notice of Your Right to Opt Out)

a. Privacy Rights for California Residents
If you are a California resident, California law requires us to provide you with certain additional information regarding certain rights you have regarding your “personal information” (as defined in the California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”)). Please do not rely on the below information and disclosures in this Section 11 or others directed to California residents if you are not a resident of California.

In particular (if you are a California resident) the CCPA allows you to make certain requests about your personal information. The CCPA allows you to request us to:

● Opt-Out of any sale by us of your personal information.

● Delete certain personal information we have collected directly from you (if any). (Most of the personal information we have is not collected by us from consumers, but rather, is obtained in other ways.)

● Inform you about the categories of personal information we have collected or disclosed about you during the past 12 months (as described in above in Section 1 of this Privacy Policy); the categories of sources of such information; the business or commercial purpose for collecting your personal information; and the categories of third parties with whom we share/disclose personal information.

● Provide you with access to and/or a copy of certain specific personal information we hold about you.

The CCPA also gives you the right to not be discriminated against (as provided for in applicable law) for exercising your rights. (Certain information may be exempt from these requests, under California law.)

b. Your CCPA “Opt-Out” Choices
You may opt out of our marketing databases (sometimes called a “do not sell” request), as outlined on the following page: Do Not Sell My Info. You can also submit a sale opt-out request by emailing us at optout@OpinionPrice.com, in which case we will provide you with a mail-in (or email-in) form to fill out. Generally, the information that we may “Sell” for purposes of the CCPA is in the form of hashed email identifiers, other personal information (such as name/address), and inference data about interests or demographics tied to those identifiers and information.

In addition, as noted in Section 2, we sometimes work with other partners and marketing channels who engage in targeted display media. You can opt out of online targeted ads (sometimes referred to as “interest-based” or “personalized” advertising) that these partners generate by visiting the opt-out portals operated the industry groups the National Advertising Initiative (NAI) or the Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA), and you can learn more about how those opt-outs work on those linked web pages. Please note that these online opt-outs are cookie-based (unlike OpinionPrice’s direct opt-out). Thus, if you browse the web from multiple browsers or devices, you will need to opt out from each browser and/or device, and for the same reason, if you change browsers or clear your browser cookie cache, you will need to perform this opt-out function again. Opting-out in this way will not prevent you from seeing all types of online ads; it generally will prevent targeted ads customized to what advertisers think may be most likely to be relevant and of interest to you.

c. Right to request deletion of your personal information
California residents may also request that we “delete” any personal information that we collected from you, such as if you have been a customer of ours. Note that this is different from your right to “opt out” of us selling your personal information, which is described above. If your intent is for us to cease selling your personal information, we recommend that you request an “opt out” as described above, so that we may maintain your data on a suppression list: if we simply “delete” rather than “opting out” your information, we may receive your information in the future and cannot suppress it.

You may request “deletion” by visiting our “Access and Deletion” web page here or by emailing us at optout@OpinionPrice.com. (We may confirm with you that what you are seeking is in fact merely temporary “deletion” and not a more permanent “suppression,” i.e., “opt out” option.). We may request certain information about you in order to verify that you are the person to whom the personal data files we hold pertains.

Please also note that in the event of a “deletion” request, we may retain personal information for certain important purposes, such as (a) to protect our business, systems, and users from fraudulent activity, (b) to address technical issues that impair existing functionality (such as debugging purposes), (c) as necessary for us, or others, to exercise their free speech or other rights, (d) to comply with law enforcement requests pursuant to lawful process, (e) for scientific or historical research, (f) for our own internal purposes reasonably related to your relationship with us, or to comply with legal obligations. Additionally, we may need certain types of information so that we can provide our Services to you.

d. Your Right to Request Access to Your Information
California residents also have the right to request that we disclose what categories of your personal information that we collect, use, or sell. As a California resident, you may also request the specific pieces of personal information that we have collected from you. However, we may withhold some personal information where the risk to you or our business is too great to disclose the information.

We also will take (and are required to take) certain steps to verify your identity before responding to a request, which may include, at a minimum, verifying your email address, or other information we hold about you.  You may request your information by visiting our “Access and Deletion” web page here or by emailing us at optout@OpinionPrice.com.

e. Authorized Agents
You are also permitted to designate an authorized agent to submit certain requests on your behalf. However, we may require any such agent to demonstrate that it is acting on your behalf and/or has a power of attorney to do so. We may also follow up with you to verify your identity before processing the authorized agent’s request.

f. No Adverse Effect.
Your exercise of these rights will have no adverse effect on the price and quality of our goods or services.

g.  “California’s “Shine the Light” Law

If you are a California resident, you may request information about our disclosure of personal information to third parties or affiliated companies for their direct marketing purposes.  To make such request, please contact us as set forth below.  Please allow up to 30 days for us to process your request.  You may submit such a request once per year.


14. Nevada Privacy Rights

Nevada residents may submit a request directing us to not sell personal information we maintain about them if our practices change in the future. To exercise this right, please contact us by email at [email].

15. Your Rights Under the GDPR
The General Data Privacy Regulation (the “GDPR”) provides residents of EU nations and the United Kingdom with certain rights, and places certain obligations on us, regarding how your “personal data” (as the GDPR uses that term) is used. We describe those rights and obligations below.

a. Legal Basis
The GDPR requires us to tell you about the legal ground we’re relying on to process any “personal data” (as the GDPR uses that term) about you. The legal grounds for us processing your personal data for the purposes set out in Sections 2 and 6 above will typically be because:

You provided your freely given and revocable consent; or
it is necessary for our contractual relationship, e.g., in order to provide you services or features you’ve requested or agreed to; or
the processing is necessary for us to comply with our legal or regulatory obligations; and/or
the processing is in our legitimate interest (for example, to protect the security and integrity of our systems or to provide you with customer service or to contact you for potential services...).

b. The right to notice
You have the right to notice – i.e., to be informed — about how we protect your personal data and respect your privacy. We provide that notice by posting this Privacy Policy or through other means at the time of or after personal information is collected.

c. Your rights to  have your data deleted or blocked ( including a “right to be forgotten” - data erasure) , data portability and to restrict the processing or to object to it. You can exert these right by….
You may request that we “opt you out” of our active data services databases by going to this page:  https://www.opinionprice.com/optout/. When you use our “opt out” feature, we will retain your information in order to maintain it on a “suppression” list to avoid your personal information being re-collected in the future (if you do not want us to do this, then please email us at privacy@opinionprice.com and we will promptly delete you from this list. We may also retain information after deletion or opt-out for important legal, auditing, accounting or security purposes. (If you are seeking deletion of information we may hold for you as our corporate customer, or potential customer, please see section 12.e, below.)

d. Right to Access or Rectify/Correct Your Personal Information
You may also request access to a copy of your personal data by emailing us at privacy@OpinionPrice.com. in the framework of the applicable law. Before we provide the information we may request certain information about you (as  applicable law requires us to do) in order to verify that you are the person to which the datafile we hold pertains. You may also email us atinfo@OpinionPrice.com if you would like to “rectify” or correct incorrect information we hold about you in our database.

-Right to lodge a complaint with the relevant data protection authority is missing.
-Profiling Art. 13 (2) (f) GDPR: “the existence of automated decision-making, including profiling, referred to in Article 22(1) and (4) and, at least in those cases, meaningful information about the logic involved, as well as the significance and the envisaged consequences of such processing for the data subject.

e. Our Corporate Customers
If you have a corporate account with us, you can exercise other rights, such as your account deletion or “access” rights, by contacting us at privacy@OpinionPrice.com. Please note that when we delete your information, we may retain it for certain important internal purposes such as legal, accounting, security or auditing purposes as long as legally allowed.

f. Your GDPR “Opt Out Choices”
You may object to profiling by online advertising platforms (who are generally separate third party “controllers” of Your data). You may visit industry websites provided at https://optout.aboutads.info (by the Digital Advertising Alliance and https://optout.networkadvertising.org/ (by the Network Advertising Alliance or https://www.youronlinechoices.eu/ (the European Digital Advertising Alliance to do so.

g. Right to Unsubscribe
You may also unsubscribe from marketing and other communications that we may send (on behalf of ourselves or others) by emailing us at privacy@OpinionPrice.com or by clicking on the “unsubscribe” link in any email that we send to you.
If You have a complaint about how we handle your Personal Data, please get in touch with us as at the contact addresses listed below, and we will seek to address any concerns you may have. If you are not happy with how we have attempted to resolve your complaint, you may contact the relevant data protection authority.

16. OpinionPrice as a Data Controller and a Data Processor
EU data protection law makes a distinction between organisations that process personal data for their own purposes (known as “data controllers”) and organisations that process personal data on behalf of other organisations (known as “data processors”). If you have a question or complaint about how your personal data is handled, those should always be directed to the relevant data controller as they are the ones with primary responsibility (legally and organizationally) for your personal data.

In this regard, OpinionPrice may act as either a data controller or a data processor with respect to your personal data, depending on the specific circumstances. For instance, when we offer our own products and services, we generally act as a “controller” as to the personal data used in those products and services. On the other hand, if we hold or process our customers’ information (such as a customer CRM file), we would generally act as a “processor” as to that information

17. Storage of Information in the United States

If you are accessing our Website from a location outside of the United States, your connection will be through and to servers located in the United States and the Information you provide will be processed and securely maintained in our web servers and internal systems located within the United States. (We likewise always store the Information used in our Services in the United States.) Thus, you should be aware that in accessing this website or otherwise communicating with us, the information we collect or receive from you may be subject to laws with different privacy standards than those in your own country (such as if you are in a country located in the European Union).


18. Contact Us

OpinionPrice has a designated privacy contact. If you have questions related to this Privacy Policy, or regarding our products or services, please contact us:



Opinion Price, Inc., 99 Wall Street, Suite 1331, New York, NY 10005, Attn: Privacy Manager

We appreciate your comments and questions regarding OpinionPrice’s privacy practices.